Joos Huyzers (Sensei)

Joos Huyzers (Sensei)

Sensei Joos started karate back in 1982 under the late Shihan Ray Ryan of Budo-ryu and Sensei’s Louis and Johnny van Schalkwyk. The two Van Schalkwyk brothers changed their style in the late 80’s and joined up with JKF Itosu-kai (Shito-ryu). After Sensei Joos and his family moved to Louis Trichardt in 1991 he joined…

Grant Thompson (Sensei)

Grant Thompson (Sensei)

I started training under Sensei Marguerite Huson as a way to keep fit and spend time with my son when the karate bug bit! I’m currently a Shodan (1st Dan) which I was awarded by Shihan Kelvin Daniels at our 2015 Gashku. I’m also a qualified Table Official.   Contacts: Phone: 076 754 7881 Email: