Basic Principles

  • Tsuki – Punching, Uke – Blocking, Geri – Kicking, Uchi – Strikes – are the fundamental karate techniques.
  • Correct form and balance are effective for the correct execution of techniques.
  • Centre of Gravity is always changing and the student should, whilst shifting weight from one leg to the other, be able to shift the center of gravity and maintain balance.
  • Timing is of utmost importance. If a punch or kick is performed without the correct timing the blow could be rendered worthless and if the block is performed without the correct timing the Karateka might not even have the opportunity to counter the attack.
  • Power and Speed go hand in hand with the execution of an effective blow. Muscular power alone is not the key to an effective attack. Greater speed will result in increased power.
  • Concentration of Power which is the effective use of all parts of the body during the point of contact. This is paramount to the delivery of a powerful and effective blow.
  • Rhythm is the free flowing, rhythmical movements are essential to the correct exection of Kihon., as well as Kumite, but it is in the Kata especially where power and rhythmical movements must be combined in order to execute a Kata of beauty.
  • Hips & Lower Abdomen are two areas which require much attention. In order to achieve maximum power. If power is concentrated in theis area, the interlocking support of the pelvic and hip bones and support of the thighs will render effective techniques.


Kata is a sequence of movements for offence and defence applied against the simultaneous attacks of several imaginary opponents.

There are 5 Pinan katas in the Shukokai style.Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nidan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yondan & Pinan Godan. Shito-Ryu places great emphasis in kata and has the most number of advanced kata’s than any other style or form of karate.

Basic sparring implies a real opponent now brings into contention the aspect of danger and thus a note of more urgency and seriousness.